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This Is Why I Left My High-Paying Job As An Attorney (Published In Town & Country)

"I'm not accepting your resignation," my boss said after I worked up the courage to resign from my job at a law firm. "Go home and figure it out, but you're not quitting." Naturally, I assumed she was joking, but when ...

To the Mom Who Shamed Me For Letting My Daughter Be A Cheerleader (Published In Kveller)

“How can you let your daughter be a cheerleader? I mean, you’re a professional, educated woman! How could you want THAT for your child?” It took me longer than I care to admit to process that comment and get over ...

Why I’m Going To Start Decorating For Christmas Even Though I’m Jewish (Published In Kveller)

Every year, my visceral need to decorate and rotate seasonal adornments onto shelves, mantels, and tabletops comes to a sad and screeching halt after Thanksgiving. I replace the gourds, candles, haystacks, lanterns, and mums with Hanukkah paraphernalia and breathe a ...

The College Advice My Teen Actually Appreciated (Published In The Huffington Post)

My son survived his first semester in college. Actually, he more than survived - he thrived, matured, mellowed and had the time of his life. He even studied some. The night before we took him to school I was overwrought ...

Why I Prefer Teenagers Over Toddlers (Seriously) (Published In Kveller)

“What a cute pumpkin hat,” I said to the woman holding the toddler behind me on line at the grocery store. “Thanks! My friend knit it for her,” she beamed. “Enjoy it while you can still dress her without a ...

5 Pervasive Myths Perpetuated Against Israel (Published In The Times of Israel)

The X-Ray tech assigned to the two-minute task of filming my elbow, asked me about the origin of my name, sparking a barrage of questions regarding the Middle East. No, I didn’t ride a camel to a tented schoolhouse in ...