5 Ways We Absurdly Manipulate the Facebook Like Button (Published In The Huffington Post)

 After a recent conversation with a friend, I began to wonder if the power of the Facebook like is a figment of my imagination. Can your so-called Facebook friends send you subliminal messages by liking or not liking your status Continue reading 5 Ways We Absurdly Manipulate the Facebook Like Button (Published In The Huffington Post)

Should Moms Intervene With Their Teen’s Friend Drama? (Published in Kveller)

October ushers in not only high pollen counts but the hugely anticipated and often dreaded homecoming dance. Non-stop chatter regarding the “right” dress, the “right” date, the “right” group, the “right” after-party—and all the wrong values—float in the air like Continue reading Should Moms Intervene With Their Teen’s Friend Drama? (Published in Kveller)

Jewish Holidays – Diaspora Style (Published by The Times of Israel)

Growing up in Israel, Friday nights and holidays were always spent around my grandmother’s table. In the tiny Jewish nation, family is never too far away and it is understood that holidays are spent together.  In the vastness of America, Continue reading Jewish Holidays – Diaspora Style (Published by The Times of Israel)